Thursday, August 7, 2008

Power to the Photographer: assault and battery

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Just a fun post today, and I hope I captured your attention with the title. But I actually do have a recommendation about batteries, and then I promise something fun. If you use AA batteries in any of your cameras or camera accessories (especially flashes), I recommend that that you get the new pre-charged batteries.

The advantage of these batteries is that they can sit for up to a year and hold their charge, so when you go to your camera bag and get these batteries for your flash they are charged and ready to go - even if you put them in your bag six months ago.

I discovered these batteries when I was researching the field photo storage project I am working on. (More about the photo storage project later.)

The project required an emergency backup power pack that could charge from a USB port. By the way, it's great for cell phone emergencies and for point-and-shoot cameras that run out of juice in the field and you do not have another camera battery.

Below, continue to the fun at the Museum of the Obvious:

A totally amusing link to release your inner creativity. It's better than sliced bread!

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