I have been planning a ten day trip, and I had to solve a problem of photo storage. Since I shoot in raw and quickly use 12 gigs of memory a day, having enough memory cards was an unprofitable solution.
I work on a tight budget, and most of my expendable income goes toward lenses and other photographic equipment. I considered the possibilities.
1) A portable storage devices like one of these: Digital Foci PST-251 Photo Safe II 80GB Digital Picture Storage Epson P-3000 40GB Multimedia Storage Drive, Viewer, and Audio-Video Player w/ 4-Inch LCD Wolverine ESP 80 GB Portable Multimedia Storage Player
2) A used laptop bought on eBay, like a ThinkPad. Cost would be at least 300 dollars, with a questionable battery.
3) A new, relatively inexpensive laptop with a small footprint and a long battery life.
I chose the the third option and got an ASUS eee 1000h. This small computer is smaller than the size of a loose-leaf notebook paper and appears to be the perfect solution.
So far these are the things I like:
The cost is four times cheaper than comparable notebooks of this size.
The build quality is impressive. It looks and feels like it could take a lot of abuse.
The screen is bright and pictures I have view appear at great resolution (ten-inch screen).
Start up time is quick. Windows XP loads in a flash.
Eighty GB hard drive which I supplemented nicely with an 160 GB portable hard drive. It has one GB of ram upgradable to two. But this computer performs well without hangups on one GB. I even installed Photoshop, and it runs snappy.
The keyboard works exceptionally well, and I can manage to touch-type even with my big fingers.
The touch pad is a dream to use, I have used others but this one seems to do exactly what I want. I thought I would want an external mouse, but the touch pad seems to work great.
Instant connections on wireless networks, and it has Bluetooth, something I may use in the future.
Battery life is phenomenal. Today I used it on battery for about four hours and it still has 60 percent charge left.
I have not figured out any negatives on this system. I have seen a few negative comments in reviews (although most were good) and those few negative comments appear groundless or very minor. This is one great machine.
So am I pleased? Yes, this appears to the perfect solution in a small package for my storage problem, and I can already see new possibilities for increasing my photo sales. More about this in the future.
It is my pleasure to announce my photo Foggy Wood will be appearing in this National Geographic Book. Simply Beautiful Photographs by Annie Griffiths Belt
If you would like to donate to my photography and blog, only one dollar donations are accepted
Inspire curiosity with this hat that features the first Kodak film camera for the masses. The camera was first produced in 1888, and had a wind up screw on the top,for the just invented rolled film. It held 100 pictures and you sent the whole camera back to the manufacturer for film development. Then, they would return the whole camera back ready for another 100 pictures.
A Thousand Years by Kris Kros
Kris Kros posted a photo:
[image: A Thousand Years by Kris Kros]
Yosemite is a land where you will find beauty and tranquility in one place.
Its natural...
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